C# Reflection

C# Reflection is a robust features that permits runtime inspection, manipulation, and interaction of metadata at runtime.


  1. C# Reflection is a powerful feature that allows us to inspect and interact with types and their members at runtime.
  2. Reflection C# can be used for a variety of tasks, such as dynamic loading and interaction with types, supporting extensibility and plugin architectures, and providing access to metadata.
  3. Reflection has some limitations, such as performance overhead and security concerns.
  4. C# Attributes and Reflection are related but serve different purposes. Attributes are used to attach metadata to code elements at compile time, while C# Reflection allows us to access and manipulate this metadata at runtime.

Metadata is data that describes other data. In this article, we will explore C# what is reflection, the various aspects of reflection, its advantages, and disadvantages, and compare it with attributes. We will also dive into performance considerations and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

What is Reflection in C# ?

C# Reflection is a mechanism to inspect, manipulate and interact with type information at runtime. By using the System.Reflection namespace, you can obtain metadata about types, methods, fields, properties, events, and attributes in your code. It is especially useful in scenarios where you need to interact with types and their members dynamically at run time, such as in late binding or plugin architectures.

Reflection can be used in a different ways. Here are a few examples to explain some of the basic uses of c# reflection.

  1. Retrieving type information using `typeof`
    // get the type of a class using typeof
    Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
    // print the name of the class to the console
    Console.WriteLine("Class name: " + myType.Name);
    // print the name of the assembly containing the class
    Console.WriteLine("Assembly name: " + myType.Assembly.GetName().Name);
  2. Retrieving type information using an instance of a class
    // create an instance of the MyClass class
    MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
    // get the type of the object using GetType()
    Type objectType = myObject.GetType();
    // print the name of the class to the console
    Console.WriteLine("Class name: " + objectType.Name);
  3. Retrieving the properties of a class using reflection
    // get the type of a class using typeof
    Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
    // get the properties of the class
    PropertyInfo[] properties = myType.GetProperties();
    // iterate over the properties and print their names to the console
    foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
        Console.WriteLine("Property name: " + property.Name);
  4. Invoking a method of a class using reflection
    // get the type of a class using typeof
    Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
    // create an instance of the class
    MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
    // get the method information using reflection
    MethodInfo method = myType.GetMethod("MyMethod");
    // invoke the method on the object
    method.Invoke(myObject, null);

    Another way to do the same, but using Activator.CreateInstance method to create class instance.

    using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    class MyClass
        public void MyMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello, Reflection!");
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
            MethodInfo myMethod = myType.GetMethod("MyMethod");
            object myInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
            myMethod.Invoke(myInstance, null);
  5. Invoke a method with parameters using Reflection
    using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    class MyClass
        public void PrintMessage(string message, int repeat)
            for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
            MethodInfo myMethod = myType.GetMethod("PrintMessage");
            object myInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType);
            object[] parameters = { "Hello, Reflection!", 3 };
            myMethod.Invoke(myInstance, parameters);

What are the advantages of C# Reflection?

Reflection offers several benefits:

  1. Dynamic loading and interaction with types: Reflection enables you to instantiate types, invoke methods, and access fields and properties at runtime, without knowing their names at compile time..
  2. Extensibility and plugin architectures: Reflection allows you to load and interact with types from external assemblies, which is useful for creating extensible applications.
  3. Inspection of metadata: Reflection provides access to type information, such as members, interfaces, and attributes, which can be useful for generating documentation or implementing serialization and deserialization.

Why not use C# Reflection ?

Reflection has some disadvantages:

  1. Performance: Reflection can be slow, especially when invoking methods or accessing fields and properties, as it bypasses compile-time optimizations.
  2. Security: Reflection can potentially expose sensitive information or allow unauthorized access to types and their members.
  3. Maintainability: Reflection-based code can be harder to understand and maintain due to its dynamic nature.

How slow is C# Reflection?

Reflection in C# can be significantly slower than direct method calls or field access, as it involves runtime type resolution, metadata access, and additional checks. The performance impact depends on the specific use case and the frequency of reflection operations.

What are the parts of Reflection?

C# Reflection involves the following (these are some, you should learn remaining in details, please consult official documentation) :

  1. System.Reflection namespace: Provides classes for inspecting and interacting with types and their members.
  2. System.Type: Represents type information at runtime.
  3. Loaded assemblies: Contains classes, interfaces, value types, and other types that can be accessed using reflection.
  4. MemberInfo objects: Represent information about type members, such as constructors, methods, fields, properties, and events.
  5. System.Reflection.Emit namespace: Enables the creation of dynamic types, methods, and assemblies at runtime.

What is the difference between Attributes and Reflection in C#?

Attributes are a way to attach metadata to your code elements (such as classes, methods, or properties) at compile time. Reflection, on the other hand, allows you to access and manipulate this metadata at runtime. Using reflection, you can also inspect attributes and retrieve their values.


using System;

public class MyAttribute : Attribute
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public MyAttribute(string description)
        Description = description;

[MyAttribute("Sample class")]
class MyClass

class Program
    static void Main()
        Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
        MyAttribute attribute = (MyAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(myType, typeof(MyAttribute));
        Console.WriteLine("Attribute Description: " + attribute.Description);

This code demonstrates how to use custom attributes and reflection in C#. The code defines a custom attribute called "MyAttribute" that can be applied to a class. The attribute has a single property called "Description", which can be set when the attribute is applied to a class.

The code then defines a class called "MyClass" and applies the "MyAttribute" attribute to it with the description "Sample class".

In the "Main" method of the program, the code uses reflection to get the "Type" object for the "MyClass" class. It then uses the "Attribute.GetCustomAttribute" method to retrieve the "MyAttribute" attribute from the "MyClass" type.

Finally, the program outputs the value of the "Description" property of the "MyAttribute" attribute, which in this case is "Sample class".


At runtime, C# Reflection allows you to examine and interact with types and their members, which is a powerful feature. It offers various advantages, such as enabling dynamic loading and interaction with types, supporting extensibility and plugin architectures, and providing access to metadata. However, it also has some complications, such as performance overhead and security concerns. By understanding the concepts and components of reflection and using it judiciously, you can harness its full potential to build flexible and extensible applications.

You can read more about C# what is Reflection and C# Attributes from other articles we have in our website.