C# Custom Attribute

C#, and .NET programming is enriched with a vast array of built-in attributes that can be used to modify, control, or validate your code. However, in some situations, you need a more tailored approach. Today, we will explore the role of C# attributes, how to create C# custom attribute, and their usage, with code examples to help you understand and implement them effectively.


  1. C# Attributes provide metadata to code elements, enhancing their behavior and control.
  2. C# Custom Attribute is created by inheriting from the System.Attribute base class.
  3. AttributeTargets enumeration specifies the code elements where custom attributes can be applied.
  4. Attribute parameters can be positional (required ) or named (optional).
  5. The AttributeUsageAttribute restricts and controls the usage of custom attributes.

C# Attribute

Attributes is a powerful feature in C# that let you add metadata to your code. They provide a way to attach declarative information to your code elements, such as classes, methods, properties, and fields. Some common uses of attributes include:

  1. Controlling serialization and deserialization of data
  2. Defining design-time information for controls
  3. Specifying runtime behavior of code elements
  4. Enforcing validation rules

Create C# Custom Attribute

Creating a custom attribute involves defining a class that inherits from the System.Attribute base class. Here's a simple example:

public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    public string Description { get; }

    public MyCustomAttribute(string description)
        Description = description;

Applying the AttributeUsageAttribute

When creating custom attributes, you can use the AttributeUsageAttribute to specify the target elements that your custom attribute can be applied to. The "AttributeTargets" enumeration provides a list of possible targets, such as "Class", "Method", "Field", and "Property".

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    // ...

In this example, the "MyCustomAttribute" can only be applied to classes and methods.

C# Attribute Constructors and Properties

When creating custom attributes, you can define constructors and properties to allow users to set values for your attribute. For example, the "MyCustomAttribute" class has a constructor that takes a string parameter for setting the "Description" property.

public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    public string Description { get; }

    public MyCustomAttribute(string description)
        Description = description;

C# Attribute with Parameters

There are two types of attribute parameters: positional and named. Positional parameters are required and are set by the attribute's constructor, while named parameters are optional and are set using properties. In the "MyCustomAttribute" example ( please see the first code example in this article ), the “Description” parameter is a positional parameter.

[MyCustomAttribute("This is a sample class with a custom attribute.")]
public class SampleClass
    // ...

C# Attribute Targets

As mentioned earlier, attributes can be applied to various code elements. In the following example, the "MyCustomAttribute" is applied to a class and a method.

[MyCustom("This is a sample class with a custom attribute.")]
public class SampleClass
    [MyCustom("This is a sample method with a custom attribute.")]
    public void SampleMethod()
        // ...

The most common attribute targets in C# are

  1. Type
  2. Module
  3. Method
  4. Property
  5. Field
  6. Parameter
  7. Return
  8. Event
  9. Assembly

C# Attribute Properties

C# Custom attributes can have properties that allow you to store additional information. In the "MyCustomAttribute" example, the "Description" property holds the description text for the attributed element.

Limiting C# Attributes Usage

By using the AttributeUsageAttribute, you can limit the usage of your custom attributes. You can limit your custom attribute to appearing only on certain types of targets. And you can prevent a custom attribute from being used multiple times on a single target:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    // ...

AllowMultiple = false, Indicates that the attribute cannot be applied to the same element multiple times.

C# Deprecated Attribute

The Deprecated attribute in C# is used to indicate that a method or class is no longer recommended for use because it is outdated, less efficient, or has been replaced with a better alternative. This attribute generates warnings during compile-time to notify us about the deprecation and to encourage us to switch to the new, recommended approach.

To use the deprecated attribute, we add it to the member's declaration and include a message that explains why the member has been deprecated and what alternative should be used instead. This way, when we use the deprecated member, the compiler generates a warning with the specified message, reminding us to use the new, recommended approach.

It is essential to use the C# deprecated attribute wisely and with clear reasoning to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Example of how to use the C# deprecated attribute:

class Program
    [Obsolete("This method is deprecated, use newMethod instead.")]
    public void oldMethod()
        // Method implementation

    public void newMethod()
        // Method implementation

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Program p = new Program();

        // Generates a warning as oldMethod is deprecated

        // No warning generated as newMethod is the recommended method


C# Custom attribute offers a flexible and powerful way to enhance your code with metadata. They can be used to modify, control, or validate your code elements while providing additional information and behavior.

Let's summarize what we covered:

  1. The role of C# attributes
  2. Creating custom attributes by inheriting from the "System.Attribute" base class
  3. Applying the "AttributeUsageAttribute" to control where your custom attributes can be used
  4. Using "AttributeTargets" to specify which code elements your custom attributes can be applied to
  5. Defining constructors and properties for custom attributes
  6. What are attribute parameters, including positional and named parameters
  7. Limiting custom attribute usage with the "AttributeUsageAttribute"

By understanding these concepts and implementing custom attributes in your C# projects, you can create cleaner, more maintainable code that can be easily understood and modified by other developers. Furthermore, custom attributes can help you enforce coding standards, control runtime behavior, and simplify complex tasks through the use of metadata.

Go ahead and explore the world of c# custom attributes. With constant practice and experimentation, you will be able to create powerful, reusable attributes that can significantly improve your code quality and productivity. Happy coding!

We have multiple articles written for you about C# Reflection and C# Attribute on this website. We recommend you explore our website, where you can discover this topic in even greater depth and find valuable insights to help you achieve your goals.